you will overcome the world by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony

Daniel Wiseman
4 min readAug 23, 2019


arryn wright thompson plays hannah scott in the new kendrick brothers movie overcomer.

i can relate to what her character is going through in the film to some degree because i know what its like to feel like an outsider cos of my mental health issues and i also have asthma like she does.

i never grew up like she did in a house hold where i didnt know whether my father was alive or dead and with the knowledge that my mother was dead as a result of being involved with drugs along with my father.

unlike hannah i never had the guts to enter the world of professional athletics or compete in cross country beyond the bare minimum requirements for us at school to keep us from getting too chunky .

she won a gold medal in her state division.

at first she placed thirty something out of all her competitors but the more she trained the better she got.

at first she came eleventh then she cracked first by an inch.

i couldnt contain my excitement when i found out that her dad was the guy who the basketball coach was visiting in hospital who was also her running coach .

when she first enters the story she is a petty thief, taking phones and headphones anywhere she can find them.

the only reason she got to be at the school was her principal olivia was friends with her mom and she took compassion on her situation by paying for her fees.

her dad skipped the scene when she was young.

we dont know why he left her mom .

in between leaving her and touching his daughters hand for the first time in at least a decade he lost his vision and had to be placed on a drip feed.

like his daughter he was also a running champion.

at first hannah had no confidence in herself but she gained confidence over time the more she saw what she was capable of achieving.

the most important thing hannahs dad discovered while they were apart was the fact that he desperately needs Jesus in his heart.

he challenged the basketball coach to put God above everything else in his life.

hannahs grandma was busy working most of the time so she didnt have a lot of time to spend with her granddaughter but eventually she learned to put her daughter above her financial concerns and prioritize attending her running competition even though it might cost her current or future employment.

the biggest lesson she learned was to forgive the man who took her daughters life away from her by stepping into it.

at first noone would sit with hannah during recess but after she started to achieve more and more for her school she developed a larger and larger following until by the time she was up to represent her school for best in the state her fans had ballooned significantly in size and she rode atop their hands and used her own to wave to the crowd.

at first she found it hard to forgive her dad but after she gave her heart to the Lord she found it so much easier .

principal olivia ( played by priscilla shirer) talked her through what she needed to say in order to receive salvation ( or words to that effect) and quick as a flash she was eagerly devouring bible verses specifically the first two chapters of ephesians , keenly discovering all God’s word says about her identity.

her dad said to the coach in hospital that we find our identity in whatever we give our hearts to.

i learned from this movie that i have to be careful what i allow to define me.

principal olivia thought it was a mistake for hannahs mom to get involved with her dad just as her grandma did and maybe they were right at first but in the end he came good and God used his life for the sake of HIs glory.

one neat oh thing her dad did was to make a voice recording so she could be guided through by his pointers every step of the way and win her race .

he also made a special recording that she wasnt allowed to be mailed until her twenty first birthday.

she was born on valentines day.

the choice of the script writers to make her born on valentines day has a special resonance for me cos my grandad as well as my friends elijah and elias moli were all born on valentines day.

also my friend elijah smartly picked valentines day to propose to his wife so he can never forget their anniversary ❤

it was awesome to see hannahs personality completely turned around from being a shy and retiring little turtle that barely wanted to poke her head out her shell to a bold as brass lady who boldly declared to the drama class that above all else she was a child of God .

we saw how six years down the road she became some kind of a bible teacher and led small groups of young women teaching them to discover who they are not primarily in the culture around them or what they do for a living or even who they choose to love or the colour of their skin but above all else in Christ .

this is a movie that everyone should see cos it teaches you that you have the ability to be a winner cos God placed those skills inside your heart.

keep your eyes on your heavenly prize.

like hannah never say die til you receive your crown of glory ❤ :)



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