will power
after reading about the story of brittany zamora i felt inspired to pick up my virtual pen and have a go at expressing my feelings regarding paedophilia.
often in society it is males who are perceived to be the perpetrators of paedophilic crimes but sometimes history proves that this is not always the case.
there are at least three schools of thought that i know of around the issue of paedophilia.
one school of thought assumes there is always a power imbalance in those relationships classified as being associated with paedophile like activities.
this school of thought suggests that the older person in the relationship is always the dominant one and always the aggressive pursuer of a relationship.
in this situation the one they are pursuing may feel like they have no choice other than to obey the instructions of the one who possessed power over them.
they may feel their only choice is to participate in sexual activity.
in brittanys case she was the primary school teacher and the student was in her classroom.
they engaged in oral sex together.
there is a common perception of an age of innocence or naivety.
this second school of thought suggests that children are always ignorant of what goes on in the bedroom that they would not desire to have a sexual relationship that it is something they would find despicable or be completely alien to them.
even when children are pursuing sexual relationships with someone older than them it is still wrong to respond to their neediness for love with inappropriate contact of a physical nature or even to play games with their mind and to indulge in a relationship with them.
i am of the school of thought that believes that sometimes there are children in the world who have been exposed for most of their lives to sexually stimulating images.
because of this exposure they may wish to play out their fantasies and so they may make a concerted effort to put themselves out there and stick themselves in compromising positions with someone older than them who they hero worship or perceive as an object of desire.
i would say in most cases where paedophilic like activity takes place a child is groomed into participating in sexual activity.
they are exposed to pornographic videos or magazines.
these days some children are encouraged to explore sexuality prematurely before they are ready in the classroom.
the only safeguard christian parents have against this talk of intimate behaviour which belongs only in a marriage covenant between one man and one woman who are matured physically is to prepare their children for the sexual warfare out there by teaching them about the birds and the bees as soon as they are cognitive and able to think for themselves .
kids are able to make their own decisions at the age of three but every parent has to decide for themselves what is appropriate for their offspring to know and when.
it is a tragedy to see many children receiving operations to change their gender which will always be unsuccessful as surgery can only mutilate the body with these kinds of operations never change the way God made somebody.
in brittanys case she would never have been able to have a relationship with her student to the same extent of intensity if her student was not allowed to own a mobile phone in primary school.
i am not blaming mobile phones by themselves but do we need phones that take photographs and make videos?
do we need to be able to send text messages to each other in the classroom?
i dont think so
studies have proven that a childs ability to learn deteriorates in relation to the bombardment of distracting audio and visual information they have rushing through their heads every day simultaneously while they are supposed to be learning.
i feel sorry for brittanys husband.
he still loves her and he still wants to stay married to her.
i dont know if i would be able to stay married to a woman that decides to use her body and manipulate children in this way.
she had sex with a student at his grandmothers place.
its tragic that this was allowed to happen that adequate protections were not put in place.
perhaps his parents could have prevented their son from being abused by stepping in and monitoring their sons online activity.
his fellow students knew what was happening yet they chose to run interference rather than report the matter.
they thought they were in a relationship.
it is not know whether they considered this to be abnormal behaviour or just something that was part of our modern world.
there used to be a distinction in our legal system between sexual relationships between elder people and minors where the relationship or sexual activity was desired by both parties and when the older person is forcing themselves sexually on the younger person but this is no longer the case .
although i believe it is wrong to pursue a sexual relationship with a minor i think the eyes of the law should recognize the distinction between a relationship that is desired between a young person and an elder adult and one where a young person is forced into a relationship against their will.
i wonder if brittany was attracted to boys much younger than herself when she was a teenager.
perhaps she was a victim of abuse.
often the victims of abuse themselves become abusers.
perhaps noone was around to advise her that certain relationships and activities are not suitable for anyone to engage in.
she might not have had a mother or father around to advise her on how to behave appropriately in relationships.
society is not entirely to blame for what happened with brittany and her student.
nobody forced her to unzip his trousers and stick his penis in her mouth.
but we see in society an increasing push towards the over sexualization and the premature sexualization of young people.
little children are pushed into having dating relationships and we are witnessing the phenomenon of little children exploring each others bodies sexually which was never known to happen even ten or twenty years ago in such vast amounts of incidents that it almost becomes an epidemic.
if children are encouraged to spend more time outdoors and more time playing sports that dont involve electronic devices they may be dissuaded from involving themselves in relationships their minds and bodies are ill equipped to handle.
sometimes paedophiles are allowed to control little childrens minds by threatening them that if they tattle or tell anyone that they will hurt them or their families.
in cupcake brown’s book she speaks of how she turned to prostitution by forcing a man who molested her to pay for the privilege under threat of her speaking out against him.
it may be helpful to educate your children about blocking technology if you insist on exposing them to all that is out there on the internet.
one application on snap chat that caused alarm bells to ring in my head when my acquaintance constance troutman made me aware of it through her podcast truth and fire was this application called love has no age which may be used to encourage paedophilic activity.
if it is just an innocent application that encourages friendships to be forged across age barriers that is fine but the ability to share pictures through a private messenger service can easily lend itself to engagement in nefarious and soul destroying activities.
we know from lecrae’s biography unashamed that a teenage lady commanded him to touch her vagina when he was a little boy.
as children we are taught to obey those older than us .
even though what they are asking us to do may leave us with a funny ( as in unsual not hilarious or amusing) and sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs we may still oblige them anyway as we do not wish to be disobedient.
those of us raised in religious households or christian households may be raised to think of disobedience to authority figures as constituting a sin so we wouldnt even consider calling into question what they are asking us to do as much as it disgusts and appals us and as much as we feel our consciences pricking us telling us that its wrong.
one wonders if brittany got into the teaching profession so she would be able to gain access to students to take advantage of them sexually.
we know she was smiling and she was being led away by police officers.
she seemed unrepentant and yet she felt threatened by the attention of the media so it seems to me as though there was a tug of war inside her between being proud of what she did and between feeling like a miserable worm because she had not gained control over the evil desires in her heart that caused her to introduce a young boy to sexual activity before he was ready and outside of God’s best design for sex.
it may be helpful for parents who wish to keep their children safe online to have a system set up where their electronic devices are linked to their childrens so they are able to monitor their online activity.
if you arrange with your children that you are going to be at a certain place at a certain time and keep your word it may be completely unneccessary for them to have mobile phones .
if they are accompanied by trustworthy adult guardians who themselves have electronic devices there should be no issue of concern about being able to reach them should they require your assistance.
the chances of these adult guardians taking advantage of your children sexually are lessened if those adult guardians are raised in a christian home.
the main reason priests have been cultivating a culture of inappropriate sexual activity with minors for centuries is due to the fact that they were forbidden from participating in any sexual activity in the catholic church due to priests getting nuns and parishioners pregnant.
this is why you have the confessional booth set up with a grill which was originally designed as much to keep secrets safely guarded between parishioner and priest as it was to keep the parishioner free from the priests roaming busy hands .
the way brittanys husband responded to her illicit activity is similar to the way God responds to us.
just like He urged hosea to take back his wife who had committed adultery He reaches out to gomer like us and opens HIs arms wide to receive us in a hug if we are willing to turn our lives around and say goodbye to the things that keep us in chains .
our sin breaks our covenant relationship with God and causes us to go from being married to HIm in a spiritual sense to being divorced for as long as we make excuses for our sins and attempt to justify it as a part of who we are.
some idiots posing as scientists try to say that people are born with a genetic disposition towards paedophilia but this is simply hogwash.
it is clear that brittany needed help but she wasnt seeking it.
i am sure every time she heard the voice of evil whispering in her ear she simply gave in instead of attempting to fight it.
it is our duty as christians to keep our eyes and ears open for people like brittany so we can help them avoid participating in crimes against humanity.
we know that it is common for many children who are sexually abused as infants to go on to either become abusers of children or to become involved in a homosexual lifestyle .
there used to be a time in the 1980s when childrens cartoons made no reference to sexual activity.
the only fondling that took place was that of stroking the hair on your partners skull or on the back of their hands.
there are cartoons designed for adults to watch but they attract childrens attention because they are drawn to the bright colours and quirky characters which are often animals or humans that possess some kind of abnormal ability that causes them to stand out from a crowd.
there was a time when pornography both soft and hardcore was kept behind the counter at newsagencies and handed over the counter in brown paper bags to hide the evidence of what they contained from the rest of the world.
pictures of inappropriately clad women were available in victorian times but it is only recently that children have been able to buy a dirty magazine that encouraged them to disrespect women and carry a slurpee in the other hand as they walked away from the counter purchase completed sans questions asked.
the cost of living forcing parents to devote the majority of their waking hours to earning a crust can often lead to children not receiving an adequate amount of supervision.
this has lead to some reactionary measures from child safety officers of taking children away when a child was left to their own devices for an hour.
there are ways to ensure that your child is safe when they are left alone by themselves.
if you keep them away from sharp objects and stick them in a room with lots of cuddly toys they can easily find a way to occupy themselves.
it is a very rare kid that tries to take out the anger he or she feels at somebody else by bashing their heads or fists against the wall or smashing their feet ninja style into the aforementioned ceiling propper.
it is hard to understand what attracts a woman to think inappropriate thoughts about a young boy.
if you allow yourself to build up a fantasy version of someone inside your head you may eventually start to believe that fantasy version is more real than the person they truly are in the physical world outside your computer.
it makes more sense for a single woman to desire an inappropriate sexual relationship with a minor than a married one and even then it seems bonkers to most of us that she would seek arousal from one who should only ever be seen by her as equivalent to a little brother or son who she should be seeking to protect from harm not be the cause of his harm.
i hope this little boy doesnt grow up thinking that the only way he can relate to women is sexually.
he is damaged for life now unless God intervenes and changes his warped brain into one that recognizes that he doesnt have to perform sexual favours on women in order for them to find him desirable or for them to seem him as useful or potential husband material.
my friend skye told me that some women these days just want guys for sex but i know this is not the case for all women.
it is my feeling that most women seek non sexual affection over sexual stimulation.
most of them just want to be held and appreciated.
they want to feel heard and recognized by the one they choose to spend the rest of their lives with.
perhaps brittany started to relate to this lad like a mother would a child then it turned into something more sinister.
perhaps she was mentally regressing to a time in her life when life was more fun and innocent to her.
perhaps she was trying to use him as a portal to recapture her youthful innocence.
i pray we live in a world where there are no more people like brittany or her common male equivalent.
perhaps it is brittanys gender that allowed this problem to persist undetected and undealt with cos most of society assumes women to be motherly or nurturing not predatory in their behaviour.
perhaps the biggest lesson we can learn from this tragedy is never to make assumptions about people.
the parents didnt know when they chose this school for their son that they were setting him up for an emotional trap that had the potential to permanently wreck his life.
i pray he finds Jesus .
when He said let the little children come unto me and dont hold them back for theirs is the kingdom of heaven He wasnt acting like brittany.
He didnt want them to come to Him so He could touch their genitals .
He sought their affection so He could provide for them the wisdom they needed to be eternally safeguarded from harm in HIs heavenly home.
He seeks for us to have a child like faith that is ever trusting in HIm , never questioning HIs judgment but always having confidence that He is strong enough to fight our battles.
perhaps it is because public schools have banished God from the classroom that the devil has been allowed to creep in in the form of inappropriate sexual relationships between teachers and minors.
may He keep all the children of the world safe in HIs ever loving arms and may His angels stand in between them and those who seek to do them harm and may He convict the hearts and minds of all who wish to abuse children in this way .