when you love a woman your love has to be strong enough to survive any arguments you may have with her

Daniel Wiseman
9 min readApr 18, 2019


i have been asked to get involved in politics in america and brazil .

not in the sense that i am putting my name forward as a candidate but in the aspect of promoting those involved in it and the causes they believe in associated with this particular topic.

if people are honest with themselves our thoughts and actions often involve themselves with either religion or politics.

i didnt wanna sit outside today cos i feared hearing something angry negative and insulting about me coming out of the mouth of the pothead who lives next door.

statistically it is more likely that men will abuse women physically verbally emotionally and sexually but there are also some women who engage in these vile practices towards their husbands or female spouses.

it is dangerous to raise a child in this kind of pressure cooker environment.

it’s not inevitable that they will end up repeating the cycle of abuse.

it is highly likely though cos they have not been shown any other example of how to behave besides a bad one.

it helps if the family involved in this mess goes to church cos at least there is the chance the child will be influenced by a godly man or woman who helps to shape their destiny in a positive manner.

yes i know we in the body of Christ have been responsible in the past for ruining peoples lives but this glorious and accident prone bride has also helped to build schools and hospitals, to fight for the rights of animals and for children to not be forced into work as infants as well as the abolition of slavery, colabouring with hindus to make suttee illegal in india and turning the tide of an international culture of cannibalism which has occurred in every nation under the sun.

she has also cultivated a culture where women are treated with more respect cos when pornography is championed and women are thought of as a commodity in an environment where harems are encouraged or infidelity devoid of any veneer of commitment it makes a woman feel less special and this lack of attention to the inner workings of her heart leaves her vulnerable to those taking advantage of her frailty and compassion.

a woman’s strength is often found in her mighty character or her ability to endure suffering with patient resolve.

God knew men wouldnt be able to handle pushing a baby out between their legs that’s why He gave wombs and vaginas to women.

He knew we would complain too much and would be useless if we bled every month and we had to deal with cramps, morning sickness and splitting headaches where your skull feels like a block of wood whacked by an eager axe.

it used to be considered a no go zone for musicians and actors singers and rappers artists and sculptors to involve themselves in politics.

ditto for athletes and businesses.

it is thought to not be good business sense to align yourself with a particular political party.

those who do so may often find themselves with egg sprayed across their faces when it turns out that the one they championed as a hero turned out to be a villain.

they may also be rewarded for their bravery.

sometimes favour shown by leaders towards celebrities seems to make no logical sense.

i never would have thought donald trump would be a fan of gospel music but he picked jonathan mc reynolds to perform at his inauguration concert.

maybe his daughter was a fan and perhaps still is even though jonathan turned down his invite.

i guess the thought of being in the same room as donald just didnt get him gassed.

it is thanks to the efforts of christians that the age of consent was raised from 12 to something closer to 16 and the age of drinking alcoholic beverages and getting married was subsequently jacked up in the original sense of the meaning of being elevated.

doing this has helped to reduce the abuse and sexual exploitation of children.

some guys treat their wives like children.

they beat them cos they refuse to obey them or they simply choose to express an opinion or belief different to their spouse.

christians get persecuted for the same reason.

one woman’s life was threatened by her family when her interfering brother found evidence of her christianity on her phone.

this was in a country where christianity is considered to be a threat to the religious establishment .

we should be worried if we are no longer seen as a threat cos it means we have coopted the mindset of the world.

the only time it’s a good thing for christians to not be seen as dangerous is when Christ returns to rule and reign on the earth and there will be no need to worry about the imposition placed upon our religious freedom by those who refute our right to existence .

i know i’m playing with fire.

i see myself being pulled back into my old way of relating to the world every time i see pictures of attractive women.

i have to fight against the mindset that tries to throw full figured women into the box of ugly as well as those with darker skin tones or complexion.

as a dude with mental health issues it makes it easy for me to identify with those who are marginalized by society and see beauty in them cos i’m used to being tossed in the reject category.

as christians we werent meant to fit into the world.

we were meant to stand out from it.

i hope my fears are unfounded that the push towards reparations for african americans due to the suffering they have undoubtedly received in the past from european americans won’t lead towards a great rift in the church and a vast falling away from the faith by those who feel so hurt by the people of God that they will choose to follow the path of lies into a fiery pit rather than receive the truth offered by a pale skinned hand or one with plenty of melanin to beat the sun , one that possesses the same degree of melanin in their make up as them but one who associates with those who are more lightly tanned by the hands of God who profess undying faith in the maker of all living things Elohim.

the world we are living in today often seems like a nightmare that has become a reality.

i get why people get angry when you disagree with them but they shouldnt be so scared or irate about the fact you dont think the same way as them that they choose to beat you up or imprison you or kill you simply cos you decide to see the world through a different pair of eyes to theirs.

it grieves my heart to see folks talking over the top of each other, unwilling to listen to points of view besides their own.

it’s not helpful for christians to be so obsessed with the thought that someone hates them that they dont bother to interact with those they consider to be hateful or those who are opposed to their belief systems or simply those who are clueless as to how to obtain love by godly means cos all they have been raised to know is a culture that values the body above the soul, in some cases even denying the existence of the latter or growing up ignorant of its presence within our common human skin.

as christians we have to deal with folks who try to shut us down cos we stand up against exploitation and manipulation in the church.

we often get more sympathy from the world when we are attempting to tackle our in house problems.

one reason for this is some of them would love to destroy us and rid the world of us as an institution.

in the case of others they see good in us or what we stand for and want to be a part of helping to strengthen the virtue that remains in our body and assisting the battle to eradicate all that is unhealthy in our thinking patterns and self destructive lifestyles and toxic concepts perpetuated commonly due to ignorance of what truly constitutes truth even by those who are in the best position to engage with it.

i believe it’s wrong to control someone through hypnosis.

those who do this are often demonically influenced and the way they operate is the same as those evil beings that lurk around in the air seeking to devour our spirits and remove all innocence from them.

as christians we havent always been the best to respond to our fallen soldiers or those sheep who have become goats in a positive way.

we either take the extreme of total rejection and abandonment or embrace of the sin as well as the one bound in it.

the middle ground and better way is to be clear and distinctive about what is truth based on God’s word as our source for it and to be dedicated in our efforts to be the hands and feet of Jesus and show love to those who have disgraced themselves, putting themselves in the dangerous position of location outside the will of God .

often as christians we struggle to go deeper with each other.

it’s hard to be vulnerable and let other people in our business.

it is not always a pleasurable experience but sometimes its helpful and cathartic that someone cares enough to hear us out even if they dont have instant answers to our problems.

it bothers me that thoughts of hatred based on skin colour lurk within my soul.

it helps to combat these nasty notions by making a concerted effort to be as widely multicultural in my interactions as possible.

i dont think it is possible to be human and separate yourself from inhabiting a sexual identity .

it is possible to be post racial cos race is a false social construct but none of us are capable of being post ethnic group, post gender or post sexual attraction identificational specific/s.

nobody is asexual even hermaphrodites.

being born with both genders genitalia doesnt mean you possess no attachment to either gender.

what most people mean when they say asexual is really unisex.

the make up industry and plastic surgery industry relies on the continued deprecation of self by a large majority of humans most of whom are of female extraction.

plastic surgery can build up self esteem and it’s not morally wrong unless you use it to change your gender but it is hardly necessary unless you’re an accident victim who wants a face that will pass for most peoples concept of what normal represents.

i have a couple of friends who have chosen to live without sexual relations.

one of them identifies as a christian but she diverts from what i would consider to be the christian path in that she hasnt ruled out the possibility of having sex before marriage she is just choosing to be celibate right now.

i think it is God’s best to be celibate with the goal of not engaging in intercourse before marriage.

if we have no clearly defined goals we can easily become sidetracked and lose sight of our purpose.

i think fewer women would kill their babies in the womb if adoption was presented as an option in every instance and if financial benefits were set up to enable them to deliver their baby and raise them in a nurturing environment.

i used to think all democrats hated babies but some of them believe in carrying babies to full term and fighting for their right to be born alive and be preserved beyond one day.

ultimately the baby killing machine keeps on functioning cos it is fed our tax dollars and it is fuelled by human greed.

it is true that having a baby inconveniences a woman but the pay off of hugs and kisses and seeing a little version of yourself running around is totally worth it.

when you observe the screaming of a baby as he or she tosses and turns in their bed at night in their earliest weeks you recognize how dependent on God we are as humans.

it is easy to forget all the suffering our folks go through for us and all the stages of development involved in helping us reach adulthood.

i have to work on being more of a blessing to my parents and less of something monstrously repellent and more akin to a curse.

i am not able to control everything my body does but i am in charge of my response to external stimuli.

i can choose to adopt an attitude of praise or resentfulness.

even the grossest of activities can still contain kernels of joy.

even in our darkest most seemingly helpless moments of suffering God is there helping us to reach inside His heart and pull out fragments of the limitless treasure contained within its depths. ❤




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