self control

Daniel Wiseman
5 min readMay 14, 2019

-- copy and paste this link into your search engine to get instant access to brea miles video God culture.

i am not blogging about her amazing rapping ability today i just want to give her a plug because she is a godly lady who is challenging folks to treat women better as well as to live a holy life devoted to the Lord.

she used to be known as blaze but then she went back to her christian name .

some people call christian names government names.

they are the names our parents give us which some people choose to change but Brea chose to retain as she has a perfectly fine name that doesnt need altering.

you can see what she looks like even if you dont copy and paste the link but i hope you will because if you do your soul shall surely be blessed by what your ears hear and your eyes see.

another incredible song God downloaded into her brain was the fast paced rap return of the queens which encourages women to be proud of who God made them to be.

Brea is a television host as well as a rapper. she raps fast and every lyric she creates is well crafted and often reflects on her personal struggle to be respected as a woman and appreciated for her skills in the christian hip hop industry.

i wanted to share with you my issues with preventing my money from being spent.

if i go to a mall that doesnt have any music stores i am less likely to be tempted by the desire to purchase vinyl records or compact discs which inevitably eat into my savings.

sometimes i am able to have two fifty dollar bills in my wallet and retain the will power to walk out of the store still holding one of them but the last time i was in j b hi fi i caved and forgot my promise to myself to put some money aside for the future career of my friend’s niece so she can begin her journey as a professional singer in america.

i felt like God was whispering in my ear “ i dont think you should buy that’’

the only evidence i had to avoid purchasing the two records of sampa the great was the fact that on one of them there was mention of karma .

as a christian i try to avoid purchasing musical items that make reference to hinduism in a positive light or in a way that suggests it is the path to heaven .

the only exception i have previously made to this rule was to purchase anoushka shankar’s ragas .

i first became aware of anoushka’s music when her sister norah jones was interviewed by a weekend magazine for our local sunday paper.

they share the same father but not the same mother.

norahs mother is european american.

anoushka shares her father ravi’s dexterity on the tabla.

long before the simpsons spotlighted ravi on the krusty the clown show i was aware of his dealings with the beatles cos of the well publicised musical collaborations he had engaged in with the beatles.

norah makes tribute to this connection on her first album by covering blackbird.

i wouldnt recommend norah for christians cos she is known for swearing but she doesnt do it all that often.

as far as i know she has only done it once on her contribution to speakerboxx/the love below with andre 3000 and big boi from outkast .

i wouldnt recommend most of what they do either but they do produce funky music with plenty of humour .

it’s a pity so many rappers feel the need to swear on their records.

i aim to be the eternal exception to that rule for as long as i tread the soil of planet earth.

i dont know why i feel the compulsive need to purchase albums sometimes.

i guess i tell myself the lie that i will feel better if i stick the album in my player but that isnt always true.

sometimes i feel worse, especially when the albums contents encourage me to think godless thoughts which makes me feel guilty and dirty inside.

as well as featuring hindu concepts sampas album also contains profane or explicit language and swearwords.

i found it hard to walk away from the beautiful cover her record had for her record the birds and the bee 9.

it is hard for me to be a window shopper.

i know i must train myself in the habit of telling myself an item is not for me even if i possess the funds to purchase it especially when i intend to set aside funds for another purpose.

i must think of future needs as well as present requirements .

i am not sure what the situation is like in your country but i find it hard to find christian music in secular record stores.

it is easier to find christian movies as america churns out plenty of good quality cinematic products.

i do want to praise the Lord because there was a time i never thought i could save a thousand dollars and i have already reached that goal.

i cannot however afford to rest on my laurels.

i will not crack the two thousand dollar ceiling by merely imagining that it is possible to do so.

it is not like i dont know the difference between genuine must have items and luxury ones.

i have never been in want for food shelter clothing fuel for the cars that drive me nor education funds .

perhaps it is easier to be motivated to save money if you have to work hard in order to get it.

by working hard i mean doing anything with your hands or mouth or feet to earn a crust.

i am not in the shoes of those who have to earn a living cos my government blesses me with free money due to my mental health issues.

if you are struggling with finances i suggest you set aside as small an amount of money as you can afford each week .

over time you will quickly see it accumulate and you will have enough to bless your socks off when the rainy days of want come to haunt your spirit ❤

selah God bless you heaps cuddly bunnies



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