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when we have all reached a place of peace
this world will be as it was originally intended
when we choose to love our enemies instead of hating them
we will find the nature of our saviour being manifest within us
I get nervous thinking about the impact of my actions and spoken thoughts
if prison awaits prepare me for that experience
sustain me through the flames that may be waiting for my devoted soul
I am looking for a quick getaway
she is only going to ask me how my week went once in a lifetime
pretty soon my opportunity to get to know her will be completely over
granny rewards him with a tasty treat that sweeps him off his feet
for the intelligence obviously present in his brain
a young lad learning to spell and scribble down his name
stored in a brown paper bag in her kitchen drawer
pour a little love into your weary heart
you won’t come back here again
not that this town of nostalgia isn’t worth visiting
its exquisite landscape holds you captive
its elegant design captures your heart
snatching it up out of the blue suddenly
giving you an ethereal experience akin to floating
you can’t catch that fly
it’s far too fast for you to trap
she wraps her fingers round your eyes
and yet you still tug yourself beyond her grasp
she’s quite the expert
doesn’t flirt with danger
or strangers who don’t belong to her
she lays down in the field and becomes animated
intoxicated by perfume drawn into a world whose existence parallels her own
shes headed for higher heights destined for sunnier climes
should I tell her there’s no place on earth that serves purely as purposed to leak out the frustration she feels and embrace the death of sorrow in a land where it has neither past nor morrow and tis present not in each passing moment nor even in fable
wiped completely from the memory of its inhabitants
what a malady to grasp
the melody of her task
the onerous scrambling for meaning
scraps of revelation she remains tethered to amidst the storm
he can’t help him he is unable to save he who is far from willing to be rescued
does he want an audience to puzzle or connect with
clarity doesn’t appear to be his main objective
yet he appears to be responding to the allure of appeal
it is in our nature to anticipate a welcoming response
even if rejection is our sole experience
there was a time I hailed those cryptic masterminds
intentionally coughing up algorithms
those who once valued the task of being the conduit for deciphering
now building an altar to babel and bewilderment
there is neither virtue nor vice in it
it is redundant as a petticoat for a prune clogged pie
I wish I could take her to a world where she never had motive to cry
I hate to be that locomotive bringing maelstroms to her station in life
I get the vexation to elicit explanation
I try to avoid that catastrophe
that occurs when I simply blunder my way through my days
expressing the exclamation of a soul that’s dancing in acid rain
the mysteries of our deity constructed cosmos are far from made plain
by candelight she spirals round and hangs her head in shame
we are groaning and moaning chilled to the bone
enthroning love as supreme above all other masters and prospective suitors of our spirits
her twinkling eyes are bewitching
I cannot help becoming her smitten kitten
should I hide desire
lock it in my heart
keep it secret
push it deep into the dark cavern
where the worms glow
under the waves
where the snails frolic
and the suckerfish enslaved work furiously to keep the backs of whales clean
where the seahorses gamble with the jellyfish serene
oh to be in that place again
where imagination would lead me to forgotten realms
returning to remembrance city in the twilight hours
when all is still and not a bird is tweeting
when life is calm and all the world appears to be sleeping
to my hemisphere trapped brain
to my atmosphere clogged cerebral chambers
in the night she calls my name
I come to her in whispers of dreams
I hold her in my arms
her fear withers , faith flourishes
we watch her terrors shrivel up and die
drip down the plughole as we shout hooray
she is the whirling hurricane the wind that pulls me round in circles
she is the blood that’s flowing through my veins
the wild stallion that nips at my nightmares
chasing those blood thirsty dogs far from sight
with a neigh that to them appears quite vicious
but to me is merely a delicious display of bravado
her enthralling vibrato ensnares like eclairs
I would choose to be secluded with her for a million days
perhaps her hair might find its way snaking across my hips
as she lays near my chest lying in rest
or coil its tendrils round my ears as her tongue finds its way between my teeth
she is my coral reef
never losing her rainbow or sweet angelic halo
a heart that beats with compassion
should always be in fashion
I missed the boat of opportunity
I watched it slide on by
she is the amethyst that never dies
forged in fire and pitiful circumstance
the loss of the man she loved like a brother
the one whose bud entertained me on that merry show
on what seems like another galaxy many moons ago
before I learned to judge more wisely how I entertain myself
i’m not saying I’ve completely learned my lesson
I’ve still got a whole lot of maturing and growing up to do
she’s curing me like meat
she’s a party in my street
she’s a fleeting glimpse of paradise whenever she parts her lips and shows her miraculous saliva coated communication instrument
I value its tasting buds
her smelling nose
dispelling rumours of an indisposed rose
her belly button is the choicest of lamb not mutton
I wonder how oft her pulse imitates my rapidly pacing own
could I greet her ever as eskimos do
i’d care too much for her to bother if its misconstrued
I wish that I could reconstruct a world of only us
i’d die happy if only I could witness her boogeying every morning
I can see why he has a dog to console him in her absence
it’s hard to compensate for the fact that she’s not there
whether or not the cupboards and the fridge are full or bare
she’s more bountiful than a well stocked pantry
she’s the larder of my largesse
the domain of my devotion
the domicile of distress’s elixir
the antidote to it becoming a permanent fixture
we could suffocate on these surroundings
they’re far too gloomy
we need more room for sparrows and mushrooms
will she acquiesce to dine at the castle with me
I sent her a note in my sleep
slipped a finger across her noble throat then touched it against her gentle trembling lips
could you grasp me like a concept
like the asp did that implanted ruler’s neck
in the land of sky piercing structures
a sarcophagus bound in triangular abode
the chief with no nose knows not the odour of decay
another morning waking up means another potential relay won
you slaughter my boredom
hang draw and quarter it
I feel like I could run a mile
when I just see your smile
I act like even more of a twit than I usually imitate the behaviour of
i’m badly in need of a saviour I can’t help mimicking dumkopfs
oh where are you now when I need you the most
take me back in time to when the world was young
when everyone seemed less guilty more innocent
before I pegged my tent in the residence of the wicked
does the president have a cricket for a conscience
some think its on mute but that view is obnoxious
why else would he fight for those unborn lives to gain the right of breath
if youre good for nothing else let your legacy be freeing spirits from the grips of those who would grind them to pieces between the gnashing teeth of hell hearted machines
thinking mythically like a sasquatch or mystically like the stars twinkling over the ocean’s blues
could you have been there at the beginning of the world
if you gained that privilege would you think differently about God
there was a time when the little girl inside you cried out for love and found it in the arms of Christ
there was an era when you wouldn’t question HIs judgment or criticize HIs moves as if He was your employee and worked for you
it’s tricky to remain stoic when a loved one slips through your fingers grip
yet know this you are holding onto the manufacturer of the universe not grasping at bundles of wind
you needn’t abandon hope in this place
this is not the place of lost breath
she comes so close to death yet doesn’t slip over the edge
she’s clinging tight to life
she sees the worship built inside her
to last beyond the corrosion of her mortal temple
not tasting corruption in the sense she embraces it
though she has had her brushes with it she refuses to be tainted by it
forgiveness unchains her
escape the wheel of bitterness
that cycle of hate does you no good ma’am
its like being a ball whacked about in a grand slam tournament
all it does is cause you pain
it winds up shortening your life span
you will find it over in an eyeblink
it will drag on and feel like climbing a muddy mountain with concrete blocks attached to your arms and legs
would you push a wheelbarrow over the roaring falls
or be pushed by someone thrusting you forwards blindfolded
your bearer not obtaining naught but a slit of the visual world
don’t quit on me now
you said you trusted but you let your trust turn to rust
you chose to miss out on the adventure of a lifetime
you sped on through that moment
it was over before you knew it
you want to explore the world
wear moccasins
escape the one who perpetually mocks our sins
the liar the robber that vicious slug
the one who urges us to lose ourselves in drugs
little do those users know who are used by what they love
they aren’t finding themselves in that moment of abandonment to evil
they are merely choosing a master for themselves
who will take everything and give back nothing
his brain cells are growing new trees ones not infested by fungal disease like the world of before
he has dealt with the strain
felt her trickle past his eyes
he couldn’t catch the river if he tried
but his eyes are dry now
his little ones held close to his heart
they darted off he thrust them away from his face
that other one who came between them
who breathed evil in her and masked her eyes
to the truth of who he was poisoning her mind
do you see the angels where the devils reside
do you see the wolves where the sheeps leap
into their dip over the stile
into luscious meadows as you rest
do you detest the world you live in right now
will you past the test of faithfulness
she was always so much better at declaring allegiance
she wrote it on her lunchbox but decades later turned out non complaint
how she mocked chortling at the stripping witch prone dabbler in darkness
how she bubbled at their troubles
weirded out by self declarations of seeker instead of the possessor of truth
is hypocrisy the opposite of admitting you’re a wanderer
being the owner of certainty doesn’t make you a boomerang thrust through the mirror being’s brain
if you think i’m slightly incapacitated you wouldn’t be far off the mark
your heart is a covenant ark
treat it like a convent keep it sacred well swept and clean
you can get subdued and defeated by your circumstances
or emerge victorious over them
do you see the gloriousness within your eyes
you know how dazzling you are on good days
but not when it rains on the inside of your pupils
you don’t have to carry that load alone
I’ve never seen you annoyed in full measure just an inkling of treasure turned to trash
watching that fire flash like volcanic activity within those cosmic spheres i’m enthralled at
circle round the sun with me darling
i’ll be gone before its turned starlight
we were washed in scarlet coats of liquid
to buy us a mansion on golden streets
but don’t get it twisted our destination is not our goal
so much as its manufacturer
mirth cannot be found elsewhere outside the pulse of our maker
joy’s fountain is obtained only in HIm
the mountains shake at HIs command
they rise from oceans without the touch of HIs hand
a mere breath is enough to cause their ascent
He doesn’t need a translator to understand your accent
He speaks every language
each tribe’s tongue HIs mind invented
don’t think He’s reckless with love or time He does care how you spend
the portion of the clock face you inhabit while on this earth my friend
like the hands of mickey mouse you spend at least a half century circling round it
let go of all the things that others did to hurt you
release your grip on any notions that displease HIm
find your lips bursting forth with praise all of a sudden
like the rain you can’t stop that jubilation from coming
He snaps HIs fingers and the walls collapse
or clicks His tongue against HIs teeth and beef serving herds are mobilized to existence
He doesn’t want us to just vegetate
while the world goes to Gehenna in a handbasket
don’t permit yourself to get bogged down in regrets
they are useful but not if they produce in you the urge to regress
transgression is never to be associated with progress
no one human ever sinned without feeling slightly uncomfortable the first time they did it
it’s not a sign of improvement that spitting in HIs face no longer feels awkward
don’t let rebellion ever be defined as part of your personality
do you want to break the heart of your maker
He hung on a tree to save the souls of you and me
wouldn’t you rather make HIm smile
when you give a toy to a needy girl or boy
offer money to give them surgery
to fix their face so their lips are no longer stuck to their nose
I’ve seen the results of that operation
the joy on the face of a boy who knew he has more hope for a better life now
I love the passion of my friend to punch her way to their freedom
she’s like a scythe slicing through a forest of iron
she’s a bold lioness who triumphs over adversity
she crushes it beneath her perfectly designed feet
which smell of courage never defeat
which hint of bruises yet never of arms thrown skywards in surrender to failure
for she will rise above the flames
and she will conquer every tear ❤