Daniel Wisemanawakening release :i was listening to jackie hill perrys crescendo today when i felt my fingers rising up in the airMar 7, 2023Mar 7, 2023
Daniel Wisemanthanks for helping me sort out the mess in my head :Lord God almighty i praise you for your goodness nowDec 1, 2022Dec 1, 2022
Daniel Wisemanbread for your head :Lord youre in the business of healing all broken brainsNov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
Daniel Wisemanopen blind minds spiritual eyes :save the world around us before it all burns downNov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
Daniel Wisemanenthused by a soul fused to the author of all :in close proximity with only ropes and balls betwixtNov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
Daniel Wisemanonly own the identity given to you by God not the world (unless it backs Him up ):boiling blood won’t destroy my resolve to walk in loveNov 27, 2022Nov 27, 2022
Daniel Wisemandestiny can’t be rerouted only destinations :youd be worth getting beaten black and blue for loveNov 26, 2022Nov 26, 2022
Daniel Wisemanim glad friends dont get traded like shares :if only my lack of memory could never hurt youNov 25, 2022Nov 25, 2022
Daniel Wisemanturning dreams into mountains and mountains into quickly forgotten lingering dreams once conquered…we may need to be pushed to the wells bottomNov 24, 2022Nov 24, 2022
Daniel Wisemanthe test of whether your faith is genuine is proven by how much joy you display on your face and…https://rumble.com/v1vnk0c-walking-in-forgiveness-pushes-fear-and-doubt-to-scoot-their-booties-away-fr.htmlNov 24, 2022Nov 24, 2022